Update 7/16/2021: Density budgets are no longer in effect. Masking is still HIGHLY ADVISED when in shared space with others. If you are not vaccinated, you must wear a mask indoors at all times! Please get vaccinated! Thank you!
Update 4/23/2021: The MIC is now operating in Phase 4.
Update March 8, 2021: New Rules for Contractors, Visitors, non-UCB Users, and Service Personnel. Please click here and email us the signed Pledge form. Thank you!
Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, use of the Molecular Imaging Center must be conducted using new safety procedures. UC Berkeley users who are approved for return to research and outside users who complete the screening form may access the MIC after completing the 3 steps below.
- Fill out the COVID USE FORM HERE: https://forms.gle/SzcR9z3N4t2WbsXv9
- View the disinfecting video here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xr8G6HDSTdkfGDp2i27YYWs50XpdhdFF
- Review this document for full usage rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Adr4iz-swsv8dDWPXk5EPyjbFLqkVMqZ/edit
If you need access to Barker Hall 318, fill out the form here: https://forms.gle/MRRQ6wDNYHHFzxYY9
If you need new access to Weill Hall (LSA), email your card key information to Holly (hollya at berkeley.edu).
All non-UCB users must request clearance by the VCR, before returning to the facility. Once you have VCR approval, you may follow the 3 steps above and contact Holly or Feather to coordinate your access.