Clockwise from top left: Ashley Jones (former intern), Anita Flynn (former scientist), Feather Ives (former SRA), Ryan Shultz (honorary MIC), Holly Aaron, Luis Alvarez
Email the Team here:
Holly L. Aaron, M.S.
251 Weill Hall #2751
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-2751
Holly has been guiding the MIC since its inception in 2001, expanding it from an initial two instruments to nearly 20 today. She enjoys learning about exciting new technology and customizing instruments to meet the unique research demands at UC Berkeley. She is still actively involved in training new and experienced users. Prior to the MIC, she worked in the research core at Genentech (South San Francisco) and in the lab of neuroscientist Carla Shatz (at UC Berkeley). Studying biomedical engineering and electrical engineering, she received her undergraduate degree from the University of Southern California, and graduate degree from Drexel University in Philadelphia. Outside of the lab, she enjoys hiking, biking, snowboarding, and island hopping.
Luis Alvarez, B.S.
Weill Hall Room 251
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-2751
Lab: 510.643.8069
Luis joined the MIC Team following an internship in August 2022. He handles training users on the laser scanning confocal microscopes and is eager to learn all things Microscopy. Luis earned his Bachelor’s degree at the University of California, Davis, as well as an optical microscopy certificate from Merritt College. Outside of the lab he enjoys spending time with his wife Ana, along with family and friends. They enjoy nature hikes, attending sporting events, and traveling to new destinations.
Cherise Stanley, M.S.
Cherise is arriving at the MIC with 15 years of molecular wet lab experience. She will be taking over all things slide-scanner related along with helping to train new users on the laser scanning confocal microscopes. She is excited to learn all things microscopy. Cherise loved her undergrad at Cal so much she decided to never leave. Outside of the lab she enjoys traveling, reading, swimming, and baking.
Anna Jacobowitz
Elin (Saeyoung) Lee
Nathanael Harrison (IT support)
Conrad Lee (intern)
Feather Ives, M.S.
Anita M. Flynn, PhD.
Tallyn Burton
Christian Williams
Claire Liang
Alina Choi
Ashley Jones
Evan Juan
Jen-yi Lee, Ph.D.
Mo Kaze, Ph.D.
Ana Robles
Jeff Li
Brandon Azali
Sam Coleman
Sophie Blanc
Ariel Kent
Priscilla Ng
Cliff Ng
Stella Breslin
Esther Kim
The MIC Team outside Weill Hall (2023).